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The Grand - Michelle & Kevin


Her Version: Like all good all started with a DM. On Kevin's behalf of course. It was freshman year of high school, when I received this random message on Myspace from this guy that just so happened to play for the same soccer club team as my brother. We would look at each other at the soccer practices but never had an actual conversation. From then on, we began talking more and more and realized that we had a lot in common and had many mutual friends. We dated on and off for about two or three years (never officially because he was dumb). I remember just spending time with each other, talking about life, staying up all night together, and laughing a lot. As young romances go, we eventually called it quits over silly things. We still kept in touch throughout the years and saw each other on occasion. In 2019, Kevin once again messaged me on social media (lol). We planned a day to meet up and the rest is history. Everything felt exactly as it had over 10 years ago and I felt like the high school freshman that really liked this tall dark and handsome guy. Fast forward three years and 3 months from that second DM message, we will be Mr. and Mrs. Castano! We have a beautiful son and we have shared goals, values and visions for the future. I cant wait to call him my husband and I could not ask for a better man to stand by me throughout all of life's good (and bad) moments.

His Version: As many of you know, our story started many years ago and thinking back on it now it’s really crazy how life works sometimes. Growing up, I played soccer for the same club as Michelle’s brother and I always happened to see them around either at games or award dinners. It was always a casual hello or hey but never did we actually really have a conversation. One day, my senior year of high school, my friend Jon asked me to come along with him to a sweet 15 rehearsal that he was a part of. To my surprise, he happened to be a part of Michelle's Sweet 15. I remembered seeing her and thinking “well hello there!" I know what you guys are thinking…I’m a senior she’s a freshman; What a creep! In my defense she was turning 15 and I had just turned 17. Anyway, I messaged her on Myspace and I guess my charm worked because I got that phone number and we instantly hit it off. We dated (unofficially) for a few years but being that I was now in college and trying to live “my best life,” it just never escalated. Life took us our separate ways and we would run into each other from time to time, but it was always just a simple "Hi, How are you?" Then one day, (10 years after our initial fling) I receive a random friend request on Instagram. I remember being with my best friend Kevin, seeing it was Michelle, and showing him with the biggest grin on my face. I waited a few days so I wouldn’t seem “thirsty” and when she posted on her Instagram story a video of an asado (bbq) at her dads; I took full advantage of the opportunity and DM’ed her saying “wow that looks good!” That message sparked a conversation that then lead to a date and almost as if we had never lost touch we were able to pick up where we left off. After only a few months, I quickly realized that this beautiful, intelligent, silly, sweet girl who was now a woman was someone I could easily spend the rest of my life with. Fast forward a few years we have been blessed with a beautiful son and after an amazing weekend in Napa Valley, I asked her to be mine forever. I cannot wait to see what life has in store for us and I am beyond lucky to have her by my side. Who would have thought I had already met the perfect girl for me all those years ago. All it took was her coming to her senses 10 years later and sending me a friend request on Instagram.

Videography: MC Productions- @mcproductionsnj

Photography:MC Productions- @mcproductionsnj

Dress:Kleinfeld Bridal- @kleinfeldbridal

Florist:Clark Florist - @clark_florist

Venue: The Grand- @thegrandevents

Bridal Makeup: Carolyns make up artistry-@carolynsmakeupartistry

Hair: Anahella Bridal-@ @anahellabridal

Limousine company: TRU Limousine-

Dj: Posh DJ - @poshdjs