MC Productions NJ Photography and Videography, wedding photographer, wedding videographer, photographer, videographer

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It may be different but we will once again dance together!

Welcome to our Site!

Really, from the bottom of our heart thank you for taking the time to get to know us.

These past few months have allowed us to reflect on what really matters. Our lives striped from all the extra and at the core still love is what is all about.

It has been a roller coaster, coaching couples who had to put a pause on their dream wedding, walking along side so many changes but here is the promise. NO STORM LAST FOREVER.

Maybe just maybe this was needed, to hug our loved ones a little more. To connect more intentionally to those that where always there and we where all too busy to see.

So far we are happy to report 100% of our couples have found a new date, we will postpone all payments and there is never a postponement fee.

Yes we all lost something through this, but lets hold on to what remained, more specially to who remained and soon, very soon we will all once again gather to celebrate once more.

Ivone Cornejo

MC Productions